Top Ten Tips For Your Garden During Hosepipe Ban

Irish Water have introduced a hosepipe ban in the Greater Dublin Region and it could go nationwide with warm weather expected to last another week at least. If Irish Water deem someone has committed an offence in breaching the conservation order, they can be fined €125, and prosecuted if they do not pay within 21 days. All in all, this hot weather can cause a few headaches but fear not, here are the top 10 tips for your garden during a hosepipe ban over the next few weeks.

Top Ten Tips For Your Garden During Hosepipe Ban

  1. When using a watering can to water your plants, do it in the early morning or wait until the sun falls as watering during the heat of the day will mean more water evaporates.
  2. Install a water butt now and for the next possible dry spell. They are easy to install and collect water from the downpipes of a house or any outdoor building.
  3. Re-using waste water from your sink, shower and washing machine can be collected and used in the garden. It is safe. A few suds won’t do any harm
  4. Position plants in the shade if possible as they will need less water.
  5. Leave the doors to your greenhouse open 24/7 to keep it as cool as possible.
  6. There are lots of pests and diseases around at the moment, but don’t be tempted to spray your roses in the sunshine
  7. Don’t use fertiliser during this dry spell as it will scorch the grass.
  8. Longer grass deals better with drought, so raise the blades of your lawnmower to a higher setting and mow less frequently.
  9. Cover your soil with a 5cm layer of composted bark, garden compost, bark chippings or another mulch material. This will help to lock in moisture, prevent weeds from growing and competing for moisture, and keep roots cool.
  10. Finally, a top tip for anyone going on holidays – phone a friend to take over watering duties. Not any friend, a responsible friend. Not that fella that will show up at the last minute before you get home and drench your plants in one final act of hope.