To Chit or Not To Chit

The Potato Growing Dilemma Unravelled

Potatoes Chitting

In the world of potato gardening, one question reigns supreme: to chit or not to chit? This age-old debate has sparked countless discussions among gardening enthusiasts. In this blog post, we'll delve into the chitting process, exploring its benefits and why it's often considered a crucial step for successful potato cultivation.

What is Chitting?

Chitting, simply put, is the process of encouraging potato seedlings to sprout before planting them in the soil. It involves placing the seed potatoes in a cool, well-lit location for a few weeks prior to planting. During this time, the eyes or buds on the potatoes begin to sprout, giving them a head start once they're in the ground.

chitting potatoes in egg carton

Why Chit Potatoes?

  1. Faster Growth: Chitting jumpstarts the growth process, allowing the potatoes to establish a stronger root system and emerge from the soil more quickly after planting.
  2. Higher Yields: By chitting potatoes, you can often achieve higher yields compared to planting unchitted potatoes. The sprouted seedlings are better equipped to absorb nutrients and water from the soil, leading to healthier plants and larger harvests.
  3. Improved Disease Resistance: Chitting can also help identify any potential issues with the seed potatoes early on. Damaged or diseased potatoes may not sprout during the chitting process, allowing you to discard them before planting and reducing the risk of spreading disease in your garden.
  4. Timing Control: Chitting gives you greater control over the timing of your potato planting. By starting the chitting process a few weeks before your desired planting date, you can ensure that your potatoes are ready to go into the ground at the optimal time for your growing region.

Chit Potatoes

How to Chit Potatoes:

  1. Select Your Seed Potatoes: Choose from our high-quality seed potatoes, certified disease-free.
  2. Prepare Your Potatoes: Lay the seed potatoes in a single layer in a cool, bright location on any of our growing trays, such as a windowsill or greenhouse. Be sure to position them with the eyes facing upwards to encourage sprouting.
  3. Monitor Progress: Check on your chitted potatoes regularly, ensuring they're not exposed to frost or excessive heat. Once the sprouts reach around 1-2 inches in length, they're ready to be planted.

Deciding To Chit or Not To Chit

While the decision to chit potatoes ultimately comes down to personal preference, the benefits of this process are hard to ignore. By chitting your seed potatoes, you can enjoy faster growth, higher yields, and improved disease resistance, setting the stage for a successful harvest. So, whether you're a seasoned gardener or a novice enthusiast, consider giving chitting a try and see the difference it can make in your potato patch!

Start Your Potato Growing at McD's

At McD's Garden and Home, we offer a wide selection of premium seed potatoes, perfect for chitting and planting in your garden. Visit us today or shop online, to explore our range and start your potato-growing adventure!